Client Injury Report Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date / Time of Injury *DateTimeClient's Abbreviation *Learner's initials: for example Holly Bennett is HoBeNature of Injury: *ScrapeCutBruiseSwellingPainSprainPossible FractureSplinterOtherOther Nature of Injury: *Place of Injury *Child's HomeChild's CommunityClinicOtherClinic Injury *Clinic ClassroomClinic GymClinic StairwellClinic HallClinic CafeOther Place of Injury: *Kind of Accident *FallStruck ByInsect Sting/BiteOtherStruck by what/whom: *Other Kind of Accident: *Part of Body Injured *HeadTrunkArmsLegsHead Injuries: *EarsEyesScalpSkullForeheadMouthNoseNeckToothCheekTrunk Injuries: *BackChestAbdomenSideArm Injuries *ShoulderWristArmElbowHandFingersLeg Injuries *HipLegAnkleKneeFootToesTreatment: *Cleansed WoundApplied Ointment / LotionApplied BandageRemoved SplinterApplied Cold CompressRested Injured PartApplied SplintOtherOther Treatment Provided: *Witnesses *Highly Detailed Description of Event: *Was Parent / Guardian informed? *YesDate / Time of notification *DateTimeNotified by: *Submit